100 %
47.83 %
use std::{
cmp::{Eq, Ordering},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use serde::{de::Visitor, Serialize, Serializer};
/// A wrapper for any numeric primitive type in Rust.
/// Some varints of the `Number` enum are enabled by features:
/// - `Number::I128` and `Number::U128` by the `integer128` feature
/// To ensure that feature unification does not break `match`ing over `Number`,
/// the `Number` enum is non-exhaustive.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Exhaustively matching on <code>Number</code> in tests</summary>
/// If you want to ensure that you exhaustively handle every variant, you can
/// match on the hidden `Number::__NonExhaustive` variant.
/// <div class="warning">
/// Matching on this variant means that your code may break when RON is
/// upgraded or when feature unification enables further variants in the
/// <code>Number</code> enum than your code expects.
/// </div>
/// It is your responsibility to only *ever* match on `Number::__NonExhaustive`
/// inside tests, e.g. by using `#[cfg(test)]` on the particular match arm, to
/// ensure that only your tests break (e.g. in CI) when your code is not
/// exhaustively matching on every variant, e.g. after a version upgrade or
/// feature unification.
/// </details>
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Hash, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(doc, non_exhaustive)]
pub enum Number {
#[cfg(feature = "integer128")]
mod private {
pub enum Never {}
impl Serialize for Number {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
match self {
Self::I8(v) => serializer.serialize_i8(*v),
Self::I16(v) => serializer.serialize_i16(*v),
Self::I32(v) => serializer.serialize_i32(*v),
Self::I64(v) => serializer.serialize_i64(*v),
Self::I128(v) => serializer.serialize_i128(*v),
Self::U8(v) => serializer.serialize_u8(*v),
Self::U16(v) => serializer.serialize_u16(*v),
Self::U32(v) => serializer.serialize_u32(*v),
Self::U64(v) => serializer.serialize_u64(*v),
Self::U128(v) => serializer.serialize_u128(*v),
Self::F32(v) => serializer.serialize_f32(v.get()),
Self::F64(v) => serializer.serialize_f64(v.get()),
Self::__NonExhaustive(never) => match *never {},
impl Number {
pub fn visit<'de, V: Visitor<'de>, E: serde::de::Error>(
visitor: V,
) -> Result<V::Value, E> {
Self::I8(v) => visitor.visit_i8(*v),
Self::I16(v) => visitor.visit_i16(*v),
Self::I32(v) => visitor.visit_i32(*v),
Self::I64(v) => visitor.visit_i64(*v),
Self::I128(v) => visitor.visit_i128(*v),
Self::U8(v) => visitor.visit_u8(*v),
Self::U16(v) => visitor.visit_u16(*v),
Self::U32(v) => visitor.visit_u32(*v),
Self::U64(v) => visitor.visit_u64(*v),
Self::U128(v) => visitor.visit_u128(*v),
Self::F32(v) => visitor.visit_f32(v.get()),
Self::F64(v) => visitor.visit_f64(v.get()),
macro_rules! float_ty {
($ty:ident($float:ty)) => {
#[doc = concat!(
"A wrapper for [`", stringify!($float), "`], which implements [`Eq`], ",
"[`Hash`] and [`Ord`] using [`", stringify!($float), "::total_cmp`] ",
"for a total order comparison",
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] // GRCOV_EXCL_LINE
pub struct $ty(pub $float);
impl $ty {
#[doc = concat!("Construct a new [`", stringify!($ty), "`].")]
pub fn new(v: $float) -> Self {
#[doc = concat!("Returns the wrapped [`", stringify!($float), "`].")]
pub fn get(self) -> $float {
impl From<$float> for $ty {
fn from(v: $float) -> Self {
/// Partial equality comparison
"In order to be able to use [`", stringify!($ty), "`] as a mapping key, ",
"floating values use [`", stringify!($float), "::total_cmp`] for a total ",
"order comparison.",
/// See the [`Ord`] implementation.
impl PartialEq for $ty {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
/// Equality comparison
impl Eq for $ty {}
impl Hash for $ty {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
/// Partial ordering comparison
impl PartialOrd for $ty {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
/// Ordering comparison
/// ```
#[doc = concat!("use ron::value::", stringify!($ty), ";")]
"assert!(", stringify!($ty), "::new(", stringify!($float), "::NAN) > ",
stringify!($ty), "::new(", stringify!($float), "::INFINITY));",
"assert!(", stringify!($ty), "::new(-", stringify!($float), "::NAN) < ",
stringify!($ty), "::new(", stringify!($float), "::NEG_INFINITY));",
"assert!(", stringify!($ty), "::new(", stringify!($float), "::NAN) == ",
stringify!($ty), "::new(", stringify!($float), "::NAN));",
impl Ord for $ty {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
float_ty! { F32(f32) }
float_ty! { F64(f64) }
/// Construct a new number.
pub fn new(v: impl Into<Number>) -> Self {
/// Returns the [`f64`] representation of the [`Number`] regardless of
/// whether the number is stored as a float or integer.
/// # Example
/// # use ron::value::Number;
/// let i = Number::new(5);
/// let f = Number::new(2.0);
/// assert_eq!(i.into_f64(), 5.0);
/// assert_eq!(f.into_f64(), 2.0);
pub fn into_f64(self) -> f64 {
Number::I8(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::I16(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::I32(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::I64(v) => v as f64,
Number::I128(v) => v as f64,
Number::U8(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::U16(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::U32(v) => f64::from(v),
Number::U64(v) => v as f64,
Number::U128(v) => v as f64,
Number::F32(v) => f64::from(v.get()),
Number::F64(v) => v.get(),
Self::__NonExhaustive(never) => match never {},
macro_rules! number_from_impl {
(Number::$variant:ident($wrap:ident($ty:ty))) => {
impl From<$ty> for Number {
fn from(v: $ty) -> Number {
(Number::$variant:ident($ty:ty)) => {
number_from_impl! { Number::I8(i8) }
number_from_impl! { Number::I16(i16) }
number_from_impl! { Number::I32(i32) }
number_from_impl! { Number::I64(i64) }
number_from_impl! { Number::I128(i128) }
number_from_impl! { Number::U8(u8) }
number_from_impl! { Number::U16(u16) }
number_from_impl! { Number::U32(u32) }
number_from_impl! { Number::U64(u64) }
number_from_impl! { Number::U128(u128) }
number_from_impl! { Number::F32(F32(f32)) }
number_from_impl! { Number::F64(F64(f64)) }
mod tests {
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use super::*;
fn hash<T: Hash>(v: &T) -> u64 {
let mut state = DefaultHasher::new();
v.hash(&mut state);
fn test_nan() {
assert_eq!(F32(f32::NAN), F32(f32::NAN));
assert_eq!(F32(-f32::NAN), F32(-f32::NAN));
assert_ne!(F32(f32::NAN), F32(-f32::NAN));
assert_eq!(hash(&F32(f32::NAN)), hash(&F32(f32::NAN)));
assert_eq!(hash(&F32(-f32::NAN)), hash(&F32(-f32::NAN)));
assert_ne!(hash(&F32(f32::NAN)), hash(&F32(-f32::NAN)));
fn test_partial_ord() {
assert!(F32(f32::NAN) > F32(f32::INFINITY));
assert!(F32(-f32::NAN) < F32(f32::NEG_INFINITY));
assert!(F32(f32::NAN) == F32(f32::NAN));